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Old 06-15-2007, 07:30 PM
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heyamigo heyamigo is offline
gone with the geostrophic
Join Date: May 2007
Location: city of angels
Posts: 1,594
heyamigo is on a distinguished road

haha that brings up the memories of when i first watched the movie back in 99. i was in college and my roommate and i got it from blockbuster rental and we had no idea what the movie was about and oh boy we were in for a big shock. i'm still not over the movie till this day. i try to think back to the emotions that move invoked and i keep thinking how i felt so much sympathy for humbert although what he did was wrong.

anyways yea i see the resembelence in that 3rd pic, and i should change my opinon that the sailor theme outfit is synonymous with "lolita" not just in japan but in other places, especially back in the days.
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