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Old 08-14-2007, 03:03 PM
Tye Tye is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Tye is on a distinguished road

Lili has a family now. The time she would spend in court and arguing the case would waste time she could spend with her family. You can't argu that case. The night elf didn't sell WOW. The fan base that was already built up from the first 3 Warcraft RTS games sold those games. They played them told their friends and so on and so on. Did Blizzard copy the dance? Yes, but that doesn't mean they can sue Blizzard. If there is no copyright on it then the dance is a free for all. Plus, the dance would have to be a named and recognized dance to the public at large (not just Lili fans) for it to be considered and actual dance like the Tango is. There just isn't a strong enough case. I am glad Blizzard did what they did, because the number of people that have been introduced to Lili through that game is pretty high. A lot of American fans found out about her, because they play that game. Blizzard has a huge American fanbase, and becuase of that lots of Americans that might never have found out about Lili did found out about her.
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