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Old 10-29-2007, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Roman View Post
Does this mean that we assume all pictures are copyrighted unless somewhere someone states that it is not or is available as public domain. What I mean is, how can you tell something is freely available as pubic domain unless you are the person who took the picture?
It absolutely does. By US law in addition to law of just about every country, anything you create, including a photograph, is automatically copyright by you. The law does make sense, as it ensures that anybody's intellectual property will be properly protected. So unless you took the picture, you have to assume that the picture is not licensed freely or in the public domain.

Has anyone on this forum ever posted a picture they knew to be "free" that you did not take yourself?
Just about every picture posted on this forum is copyright violation, including every single picture of Alizée. If Universal Music really wanted to, they could have them all taken down, or even this entire website because of it. However, they're never going to do something like that, as it does no good but has devastating negative effects. Pictures of Alizée, just like her videos (also copyright violation), are all free advertisement for her, which means that Universal sells more music because of it.
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