Thread: Subtitles
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Old 11-18-2007, 03:14 PM
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No, it doesn't need programs like virtualdub.

All decent media players (MPC, VLP, ZoomPlayer, etc.) can show subtitles on the fly. And the rest that can't, can show them by installing proper software like vobsub. (which virtualdubmod uses too quite likely... unless you did them literally by hand...)

That's how DVD player does it too. It doesn't have burned in subtitles. It plays them on the fly from separate file. And that's how it's done with majority of ripped movies on the net (tho, some does have burned in subtitles).

There's dozen reason why subtitles shouldn't be burned into the file. And practially no reason to have it burned in.

There's absolutely no point making another set of videos, with lower quality, and unability to watch them without subtitles (which most wants anyways, after they learns to remember what's said in it). It takes dozens of gigabytes of extra space to have them in all videos (which of course you wouldn't want to do anyways, since theres 300+ of them). Whilst the same effect can be done with few kilobytes txt file. Which can be turned off and on by anyone. And not just off and on but you can have several different languages available.
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