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Old 12-04-2007, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Stumpy298 View Post
You know, i don't think the new album is bad, but in my opinion her two previous albums were better. its just a matter of opinion, but i think if she was to sort of mix and match her styles together on her next (if there will be one) album. Such as one or two songs made with her former producers, as well as this new style shes taken up. That way she gets to make music that she finds more "her" that people will listen to because its on an album with a song as popular as moi... Lolita.

Don't get me wrong, im not saying that i don't like the new album, because its great. I'm just saying that (particularly her 2nd album) was much better than what she's recently put out.

I recently found out about Alizee while i was just minding my own buisness on youtube (about 2-3 months ago) then was delighted and pleased when i found out in just a few short months she'd be releasing a new album. I don't want to say i was disapointed, because i wasn't. I guess i was just expecting the same style of music.

But anyway, the point of this post was to just express i thought it would have been good if she had a few songs similar to her old pop style on her album in addition to what she did. i know she didn't think she was given enough artistic freedom, and that she was essentially a puppet, but maybe a mix with both styles could fix that feeling while still keeping her old fans hooked with the same good songs they were used to (as well as some great new good ones in a differant style of music)

Lastly, i just wanted to quickly make a comparison. Brittney Spears is currently 25 years of age, while Alizee is 23. You notice that American celebreties are freaking retarded, while europian stars are still shining. just another reason why i hate America, thought i'd add it to my first post so you guys get an idea about where i am coming from here. Alizee is truly an amazing singer/artist/person, and should be treated as such.
tottally agree!
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