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Old 12-05-2007, 12:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Stumpy298 View Post
I'm from America and i suppose saying i hate America is a little harsh. i just feel like anywhere in Europe is much more interesting, and American pop culture is what i hate. I normally don't listen to music unless its from the mid 60's to the early 90's. in my opinion everything has sort have gone down hill since then (Excluding Alizee, of course )

America as a country is pretty cool.
Well then you're just not listening to the right stuff. The idea that "everything had gone downhill" is a misnomer; mainstream pop hasn't really changed in decades. There was some BAD pop in the 70s, 80s, and 90s - it's just been mostly forgotten.

If you don't like the mainstream scene, then maybe it's time to go underground...

Listen to indie radio, read music your research, and don't settle for what ClearChannel or MTV says is "good."

It's got nothing to do with America. There is some absolutely vomit-inducing music being made in Europe, too. You just haven't found your niche...yet.
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