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Old 12-05-2007, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by DJ_Greg View Post
Yikes. If I was drinking coffee/soda/water, I'd probably have spit it out. To each their own, though.
Lol.. Well, they ARE good compared to Britney.

I guess people don't compare Alizée to Amy Lee because of the stark difference in vocal style and music genre. As for Jewel...she's kind of fallen out of the public eye.
Sure, I was using them only for the example that you can be a famous singer here in the U.S. without being hounded by the tabloids every day of your life. You can pick any artist you want for the example. Those two just popped into my head while thinking of female singers. I'm just saying that what she may see on TV over in France (Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan) is not very representative of what happens to singers here.

Alizée and Britney actually match up fairly well on paper. Both got their start at a young age, both played up a lolita image in their early work, both were very successful in a short amount of time, both took a break and had children after releasing 2-3 albums, and both perform dance pop music.

With Britney's very public collapse, some people may forget that she was squeaky-clean (just like Alizée) for the first few years. Taking "early" Britney into consideration, I'm not at all surprised that this comparison continues to be made.
True... in a sense. The differences are huge though. Alizée has a good family that she remains close with for a start. That counts for a lot. I don't know much about Britney, never followed her career. I think that her form of the "lolita" image was more.... slutty? While Alizée's "lolita" image was more innocence. Hard to put into words, but I guess you get the idea.

Alizée also seems to be very intelligent, where as Britney.... not so much.

I get the impression that you will never see Alizée in court for child abuse or negligence. She would quit making music before she would do anything to harm her daughter.

From reading the tabloids you can see that Britney has let her money and fame go to her head. Alizée on the other hand still seems to be well grounded and outgoing. She has not turned into a diva.
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