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Old 01-05-2008, 12:17 AM
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suzybananasplit suzybananasplit is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
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suzybananasplit is on a distinguished road

Hmmm...well, I can say that I definitely like Alizee's new style. Theres a difference between between 18 and sexy and being 23 and sexy. She is a woman now, she has a child. To me, she wears very sexy clothes in her performances. They're grown up. Alizee was also gone for a couple years between Gourmandises and Mes Courant Electriques. So why would that make a difference now?

In my opinion...she probably isn't getting a good response because of all of it. People in general don't like change. They liked her in skimpy clothes being a tease. But shes a grown woman now. I would say more, but its late and I can't think very well. I will edit later.
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