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Old 01-05-2008, 12:18 AM
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Alizée's Watch-Dragon
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Originally Posted by INDUSTRIAL View Post
Maybe the failure is just my crotchet.
Yes, I think that's the reality.

We are past the age of high album sales. Also, it's too soon to judge success or failure yet. Remember, only one single has been released. You need to give it about six months and at least three single releases. I'm not "mad at you," but I think you're completely, totally wrong. And since you didn't have a "the album isn't a failure and I'm full of it" option, I can't vote in your poll.

Now, let me point out just a couple of specifics.

First, since she is married, she cannot expose more of her skin and sing flirty songs.
This is nonsense. She IS exposing a lot of skin. She IS singing flirty songs. Really, there's only one thing she could do that's against the rules of their relationship (or at least I assume it is), and she wouldn't be doing that on stage anyway.

Don't assume that just because YOU'D have a problem with YOUR wife/girlfriend doing these things in a performance that Jérémy, who unlike you is in the business and understands how things work, is going to have the same attitude -- or that Alizée would put up with it for one second if he did.

Her long absense.
Yes. This is the only thing you said that made any sense at all. That's why the momentum has to gather almost from scratch again, rather than being high from the start. But it's also why it's too soon to call the album a failure.

Also, she needs to dance. Alizee is a dancer.
OK, I take it back; this also makes a little sense. I don't much like those couch performances of MJ. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it works well. Hopefully we'll see more dancing on the other singles.

Please stop reading this if you are already angry at me
As I said, I'm not angry with you. I just think you're wrong.

Her songs lack connection to her previous two albums and what defines Alizee.
Of course they do. She's trying to redefine herself. Lack of connection to a previous definition is de rigeur.

Well, people like me . . . expected Lolita or Gourmandises and are disappointed with her new album.
I can understand that, but quite honestly, it's your problem, not hers.
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