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Old 09-21-2006, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by NANAKI View Post
So last night before I went to bed I was thinking about how much I would like to meet Alizée and how cool it would be if she were to come to my school. Well right before I woke up this morning had the worst nightmare ever. Alizée was in Corsica and she was flying to Paris when the plane crashed everyone killed. It gets worse the reporters asked her mother where she was going. Her mother said to the United States because she had a feeling that she needed to go to a school near Chicago. As soon as I heard that I woke up sweating bullets and immediately wished that she didn't come just incase that it might actually happen. Because I have had many dreams that I have forseen things that I was going to do or see. Its really freaking so I was really freaked out this morning worst morning that I ever had.
are you ok NANAKI?
I don't have many Alizée dreams that I remember

but the ones I did remember left a very big emotional footprint on me. . .

if you are like me in this case then I feel for you, the emotions you are having must be through the roof crzy
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