Thread: France Baby
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Old 02-28-2008, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
True, and to be completely fair one should ask whether a French person visiting Finland (say) would be able to speak Finnish most of the time. English is very close to a global language, so a fairly high percentage of the world has it as a second tongue.

But at the same time, unless the trip is completely spur-of-the-moment (and not that many Americans are that wealthy -- *or crazy Alizée fans who'll drop everything on a month's notice to see Her Grace in person and get an autograph ), it seems to me that learning at least a little of the language, enough to get by on for asking directions and such, should be part of the planning.
*I wonder who you might be talking about there

But yeah, if you're planning a trip, learning a bit of the native language is just prudent and well as respectful.
C'est ta faute... mais on t'aime quand même, Alizée!
Tu m'as pris dès le premier "moi."
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