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Old 04-18-2008, 01:37 AM
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Fish Fish is offline
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Fish is on a distinguished road

*Puts pitchfork down*

I can see where you're coming from, and to a certain extent I agree with you, though to a lesser degree. I definitely have seen improvement in later performances, and think that Love Is All and Hung Up would have been exponentially better without the backups, though that was beyond her control. But with each new performance/video/what have you, I've noticed an increase in presence and confidence, and I think that trend will continue.

Edit: The Fifty Sixty leak got generally good reviews from chartsinfrance, as well. I think this video bodes well for her future.

I believe it was Deepwaters who said her fanbase is much deeper than it is wide, so while I don't think her career would be forced to end if she kept on the current pace, she won't be atrracting new fans. Again, though, this video may change things, and we may see a smashing 3rd single a few months down the road.

Last edited by Fish; 04-18-2008 at 02:27 AM..
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