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Old 01-11-2010, 04:39 PM
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Thanks for your responses. I agree, -OC-, it would be nice to have some Mexican input. Karla is of Venezuelan extraction, but surely must know a lot about Mexico from friends, having grown up on the Rio Grande. Roman, I will accept at face value your assertion about Alizée's explanation. But I also think she said at least once that her Mexican fans like best when she sings in French, rather than Spanish (she did not mention English in that context).

The Hispanic references aside, "La Isla Bonita" is of course ("Corse", haha once again) a half-decent translation of Corsica's sobriquet, "L’Île de Beauté," which keeps it in the "Alizée tradition" of referencing her origin, her name and its meaning. Add to that it started as a Madonna song, and covering it was probably most irresistible for our favorite chanteuse.

Is there some reason Alizée's Mexican breakthrough can't be repeated elsewhere in Latin America? Mexico is among the wealthiest states in the region, but there are others. There are lots of strange things happening in Venezuela now, but maybe it is on the list, too. Karla, you listening yet?

And here's another question: Concentrating on Mexico again, can you guys think of any ways to put some more pesos into one of Alizée's leather handbags, other than fostering a new Quinceaños custom, as I suggested?
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