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Old 04-26-2009, 11:30 PM
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Ruroshen Ruroshen is offline
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Location: Toronto, Canada
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Originally Posted by Alizée,Angel of Ajaccio.. View Post
Is Twitter somehow searchable, so that you can find others to "Twit" with?
Yep! Once you've signed up, you can click on 'Find People' in the menu bar in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and search for people by either their first name, last name, twitter name, or email address/IM name if they're with one of the services that Twitter can search.

Yikes, not another user name and password! Somebody could write a song about having to create yet another user name and password.
Dude, seriously. This is all I hear at my job. All. Fracking. Day. "What, you mean I have to remember ANOTHER PIN number?!"

I was reading alittle bit on the Twitter website and it talks about being "hyper-connected" to others. Skeptical to say the least.
Yeah, that's from people who've drunk the Kool-Aid. Most of us just use it to follow celebrities and share spur-of-the-moment thoughts with our friends (or get into Twitter fights with them, which is more amusing than it sounds). I look at it sort of like public text messaging with the odd update from Kevin Smith or Trent Reznor thrown in for colour.

Trent Reznor, BTW, is very very funny on Twitter, nothing like what you'd expect. The only reason I don't follow him is because he actually tweets TOO often sometimes, and it was getting way distracting.