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Old 05-04-2013, 05:31 PM
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lapinschous lapinschous is offline
Amélie's Fed Up in Autumn
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Bordeaux, France
Age: 29
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lapinschous is on a distinguished road

At first I planned to make subtitles for this vid, but to be quite honest it's a quite boring interview compare to the others i translated , she only talks about the making of the album and the people she has worked with. She's saying the exact same thing as in the Le Républicain Lorrain interview that i translated (if not less)

In this interview , the La Bande Sonore interviewers are asking questions very similar to those Alizée is answering to in the full EPK video I subtitled.

That being said, if you are desperately trying to get a .srt transcript for this video, then maybe i'll manage to find a moment for this, but I cannot guarantee it. I currently have almost no spare time , my finals are starting in a few days and I've got lots of stuff to study... sorry for not being as available as I used to be. :/

And yes, my english is terrible when I'm tired .

La Nostalgie des jours gourmands..
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