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Old 08-23-2009, 03:14 AM
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Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
wow, that's a bit ridiculous!

i mean, if the artist is the one who goes out and performs the songs and gets people to buy them.. shouldn't it be "theirs"??

id find it so frustrating to be a singer and NOT be able to "own" my own songs.

oh well, that's just my naive thinking.
Technically those who write the songs own it.
Performers are just that, performers, they are hired to perform the songs written.

Many musicians tend to be songwriters/performers, so that they can extend the rights to their songs. Songs can be attributed to bands as well.
Take Pink Floyd as an example. Roger Waters could've claimed all of his songs his own when he quit, meaning the band Pink Floyd would have not been allowed to play those songs because it was written by "Roger Waters" and later claimed by him.
Legality is a bitch.
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