Thread: Limelight
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Old 06-25-2010, 06:00 PM
AlizéeInspired AlizéeInspired is offline
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AlizéeInspired is on a distinguished road

One of the first songs I heard in full of the album and I fell in love with it. Plus its all in english (except oui ) so I thought that was cool.

As for what the song means to me, I get from it what the title suggests really, the limelight. Here is what I get from different parts and lyrics of the song.

"Dream always and all ways" is more telling how one should always dream, but in all ways. To always have a dream and shoot for it. Also to be broad and have goals for many things. Even if one doesn't have goals or dreams, it tells one to at least always better their self in as many ways as possible.
"I don't know where I'm going / Looking for the limelight (bright)" What I get from this is more how one may not be sure what their future has in store for them but they are looking for the "limelight" or to at least be successful.
"I can't recall where I've been / In this long long white night" is, to me, saying how one hasn't done much of anything yet in comparison to what they want to do or will do. Everything has just been a kind of daze and one may feel they have wasted time.
"Find a way and away" How one should find a way to get to where they want to be going and find that success they want. Then go for it. But then we come the next line.
"I don't know if I should" Showing doubt and possibly nervousness or fear in their journey to the limelight.
"Burning waves of ecstasy... Oui" Here one has found or is close to the "limelight", success, or fame that they want. Feeling that rush of ecstasy that one feels when performing for an audience or living up their dream. That would be where "oui" comes in as the "YES!" or satisfaction of the moment.
"Stairs, lights, music, sweat / Scares, fright, panic, fright" I find ending the song here with this is quite appropriate. Stairs show the climb to the goal one wanted. Lights being the glory along with it. Music being the the pleasure or enjoyment of the journey and moment. Sweat being the hard work. Scares, fright, and panic being the risks one took in getting there or also just what one may feel when experiencing the "limelight".

So for me, the song is more a story or telling about the journey to living up to your dreams. More of a "Don't be afraid and just go for it!" kind of thing. If you have a dream, do it or at least try. If you have passion then believe in it and do it. The way I see it, there are many "limelights", big and small. An example of something small: first one will dream, and if that dream is for them to learn another language then they will/must "find a way and away" (find a way to fulfill their dream and go for it). Then when they have become fluent and learned it then they reached that little "limelight" in being able to enjoy it.

But then, more on the dark side of the album, I also get from the song and its lyrics how the "limelight" can corrupt or become addicting for some. It all depends on how you look at it and what you get from it I guess.

From a musical stanpoint, I really like the song. Pretty chill and easy to listen to. It has a really good beat and I love the percussion. I enjoy the percussion throughout the whole album really. The music is just great and I love hearing her sing in english
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