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Old 09-14-2010, 11:36 AM
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Tomtentp Tomtentp is offline
Logical Progression
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Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Age: 38
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Tomtentp is on a distinguished road

Hehe, always amusing to watch a completly unneccesary fight arise from simple missunderstanding, a negative tone and swift judgement.
Deja Vu all over it!

Anyways, I don't think you can compare the cases as easily.
Charice have a great voice.
In her case that's what you need to market and that's what you need to concentrate on, which means anything where she sings (well) is a good promotion.
With Alizée it's complicated.
There are so many talents that needs to be marketed, she even have two different eras/avatars!
What to concentrate on??

If we want to say that Alizée as a whole package is what needs to be marketed then virtually any video, performance, appearance or anything at all considering Alizée is a good promotion, right?

If it's just Alizée the musician we need to market then we need to concentrate on new era Alizée since Laurant isn't her producer anymore and lolita isn't gonna be there when people look her up.

However, I don't think that the question is about how to promote her.
The question is if she even want to be world famous in such a degree and such a "way" that we suggests.

Maybe it's even so that she prefers to have fans of Alizée the musician rather than fans of Alizée the Lolita. That's the idea I get from her statements anyways.

So, who are we doing the promotion for?
Us or her?

... I see avatar people...

L´Ordre D'Alizée!
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