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Old 07-18-2023, 06:29 PM
Magnetic Lili Magnetic Lili is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2023
Location: Poland
Age: 31
Posts: 4
Magnetic Lili is on a distinguished road

Hi, Alizee America!
Following your guidelines, I am appearing in this thread to share with you my beginnings with Alizee. Forgive me if this post is too long and chaotic, but I tend to digress.
My first experience with Alizee was about 20 years ago. I was about 10 years old at the time. However, it was not standard. It wasn't like I accidentally watched her music video on TV. My parents just listened to Alizee. In Poland, where I come from, we seem to have a soft spot for French music and my parents probably had it too. (In an interview for Polish television, Alizee also admitted that Poles just seem to like the French language). Recently, I also discovered Mylene Farmer's music in my father's music collection, but I don't remember any of her songs from my childhood years, which would indicate that either Alizee was listened to much more often or my childhood subconscious was already drifting towards her. The song that most often reminds me of that time is „J'ai pas vingt ans.” Thanks to this childhood situation, I knew who Alizee was, I knew she was a French singer, I knew a few songs, but that's about it. Here's a fun fact: I'm not sure if I knew what she looked like at all! I only knew her from those few songs.
We move almost 20 years later, to 2022. Many of you wrote about it when you met Alizee, sometimes even to the day. Unfortunately, I am not able to give the exact date, I am not even able to say how it happened! Probably at some point of nostalgia I remembered that in my childhood, Alizee was listened to in my family home. And I found this iconic Live performance on YouTube. It is, of course, about the song „J'en ai marre”. Of course, I was delighted with Alizee's phenomenal beauty, her charming smile and mesmerizing dance. And that was it, for the next few months I would come back to this show if I wanted to feel better.
At the end of May this year, I went back to Alizee again and I made a fundamental „mistake”. I started listening to her music. I allowed her voice to my ears. I came across the song „L'alize”. With the help of this song, Lili crushed me with her shoe. Surely you know the situation when you haven't heard a song for 20 years and suddenly, during some random listening, it turns out that you know this song. I had that with „L'alize”. I suddenly remembered that I had heard this song 20 years earlier as a child. And so something extraordinary happened. I felt a kind of connection with this girl, based perhaps on something like nostalgia for childhood, melancholy. I thought to myself: Look, Alizee, you sing that you are, like the wind, unstoppable. And it's been 20 years now… And so on this wave of nostalgia I sailed to Lili Town and got bitten by Lili's bug. If I had to describe Alizee in one word, it would be magnetic, hence my nickname. She has such an amazing personal charm that it is simply impossible to resist...
Many of you have written here that you have never been a fan of anyone or even listened to music much, and yet Lili's bug worked. It's different with me. I've been a huge fan of U2 for over a dozen years, so I know what it's like to be a fan of an artist. But until now, I've always listened to male voices. Alizee is the first woman I listen to for a long time. Who would do it if not her… I don't watch her at night like some here, but I've definitely become a fan of hers.
We are lucky because Alizee has been visiting Poland a lot lately. I don't know if it's because she likes my country so much or he just doesn't have any other vocal proposals... but we invite you more often.
Sorry for such a long post. If you made it to the end, congratulations.
Greetings to you all.

Last edited by Magnetic Lili; 07-18-2023 at 06:34 PM..
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