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Old 09-05-2011, 01:11 PM
SlipshodDread SlipshodDread is offline
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In my experience, the more attractive ones are more full of themselves (I'm not saying that's the case with Alizée, but getting a number 1 single + album before being 18 wouldn't exactly help if you know what I mean :P). Also, and again this may or may not apply to Alizée (I can't say as I do not know her now and obviously did not at any time before) but fame changes people. A friend of mine recently was on national TV in the xfactor, now he is getting loads of attention, and the last time I spoke to him it was like I didn't know him, he was completely different in how he spoke and acted to people, in a bad way.

Everyone has personal problems, the only difference is in how we show it. Just because someone is beautiful, young and famous, doesn't mean he/she is unable to feel sad or have regret/fear/despair about certain things, it's that those who are famous have to hide it. Whereas with any of us we would be absolutely happy to tell our couple of best mates and no one else will know or be that interested, without celebrities it is obviously the complete opposite. They say they have one personal problem and the next day everyone knows about it, look at celebrity divorces for example.

My point is, you see a beautiful young woman, with a child and a massive smile across her face, but you don't know what goes on behind her eyes, so saying she is this, that or the other is a shallow guess at who she really is.

I don't mean to be a killjoy or anything lol, I first started listening to her music because I thought she was hot... :P
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Henry David Thoreau