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Old 10-31-2023, 11:06 PM
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Paulina Paulina is offline
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
That would be Jenny, I believe. I sent her a PM back in 2019 or around there asking her if she can share her library of videos she took while at Les Enfoires (she did).

Back then, she still was a fan of Alizee and loved her even though she had been inactive on this forum for a while prior. She got married and had kids and they became her priority.

I suspect that similar things happen to most fans of anybody, not just Alizee.

I did a search for her in the members list and she is here! Jenny_HRO87. Her last post was on 10-01-2022. Understandably, once someone becomes a parent their priorities in life change and their attention is placed outside of their hobbies and instead towards their family.

Originally Posted by Marshal Davout View Post
Gee I thought I was up to date mostly; but Paulina has shown me that I am possibly Redundant ! Ha ! I am an odd user; as I don't use my cell phone much; so I thought that AlizeeAmerica was the Cat's Meow ! Interestingly; when I promote Alizee's videos; I tell people to search for this video or that video; and they find the one video; but they don't seem to find any of the others ? It's like they don't know to click on the channel's Avator to get to all the videos; so they only find the one video I tell them to search for ? Or at least it seems that way to me ?

There’s probably still users out there that are still doing the majority of their internet browsing on a desktop or laptop but Apple made a cultural shift with the iPhone and now many (especially younger users) are using their phones and tablets to browse the web. Instead of using a desktop or laptop switching from different tabs containing individual different websites in their browser it’s now users using a touchscreen phone or tablet and switching from one app to another. A lot of Gen Z kids that I have worked with really don’t use individual websites, instead they switch between apps with the big ones being TikTok, Reddit, X, YouTube, Netflix, Discord and Instagram. Unfortunately, it’s kind of dumbing them down. They don’t really know how to query and use search engines to find what they’re looking for. Then again, they were born into an era where all the information they need is already accessible through these apps. YouTube didn’t have ANYTHING when it was starting out in 2006. Now, you can find almost EVERYTHING on YouTube. Looking for some obscure 70’s French film? Videos taken directly from paid college courses? Or rare interviews of celebrities that were previously only accessible through someone’s recorded VHS tapes? Chances are it’s all now on YouTube. On the other hand, It’s kind of the fisher-price-i-fication of the web. Graphic user interface for touchscreen devices are made to where even the dumbest person can navigate it and this applies to the apps as well. Apps are designed to be extremely simple and low effort to use. Big bright icons that only have a few options to select. So easy a caveman could do it.

I admit, when I got my first phone in 2013 (which was an iPhone 4s) I WAS HOOKED. it became like an extra appendage, almost always on me and never leaving my sight. I was able to browse my favorite sites wherever and whenever I wanted to and I wasn’t confined to the desktop in my room and it wasn’t like carrying my laptop which felt like extra bulk lugging around. However, as time went on, more and more of my favorite sites started disappearing and getting swallowed by Reddit, Discord, Twitter and Facebook. It was cheaper to close the individual forums and instead move them to subreddits and discord servers, but the cost was losing a sense of community and individuality. Yeah, you could move the AlizéeAmerica forum to a subreddit but you will lose individuality of users. Almost everyone has the same avatar, no signatures and no customization of how everything looks (think of the move from MySpace to FaceBook) You also run into the same issue as X as having way too many users and the inability to vet trolls effectively. I should also add Reddit is famous for rage farming, ie people purposely making posts whether true or fake for the mere purpose of making a lot of people angry.

Originally Posted by Bamagirl View Post
I want thank you for the rundown of social media sites. I have heard of Discord,Reddit and of course Twitter, but never use them. Your snapshots of each are wonderfully descriptive!
Also, you are 100% right about FB. I moderate a group and actually got a warning from FB for posting group rules!
No problem! I’m glad a could give a picture of what these alternatives are like. Forums like this are an absolute gem, they’re difficult to find and even if you do find them they are lacking users and are often ghost towns with hardly any recent posts. I would REALLY hate to see this site go away or get sucked into the mentioned alternatives which is why I’m willing to chip in some money if I can to still keep it running.
I have joined a few groups on FaceBook and honestly the conversations just lack depth. Not to mention I rarely see a user post more than once. My FaceBook feed seems like it’s 90% ads now. Friends do post but I actually have to click on their profile to see updates they have made.

Last edited by Paulina; 11-01-2023 at 12:03 AM.. Reason: More response added
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