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Old 02-17-2013, 08:03 AM
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Amélie's Fed Up in Autumn
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Originally Posted by awkward Turtle View Post
I think a beautiful language is all just up to personal preference. I actually think German can be quite beautiful with the right voice and intonations.
Must agree! I remember when I was 8 I had my first german class and they gave us audio cassettes and the voice of the girl sounded so pure and smooth when she was saying "I liebe dich" for the pronuntiation practice that I kept replaying the same sentence for days! ^^

As to french langugage, it may be difficult to say being myself a frenchman , but i think that french is pleasant to hear but it REEALLY depends on the person, and the accent. I honeslty don't like the southern accents, Marseille, Montpellier or Corsican accents lack smoothness and the intonations can sometimes sound rude or unelegant... that's why Alizée got rid of the ajaccian accent. But I don't like the slangish suburban accent of Paris, it just sounds too nonchalant and the people who have it generally do not articulate much ... (Jérémy Chatelain is a good example) .

My favorite french accent is... well I can't choose between the North Western accent of Bretagne (Nolwenn Leroy) and the true french (oxfordian) accent from Lyon (Coralie Clément)

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