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Old 08-06-2014, 09:08 PM
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DannyMac524 DannyMac524 is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 209
DannyMac524 is on a distinguished road

I am an intermediate level French Speaker. I belong to Alliance Français - The official French Language and Cultural Center (They are in most major cities). I take private conversation class there which meets once per week, and I take out a French magazine each week, either Paris Match or La Figuero, and read as much as I can. Speaking is different from reading so it is essential to do both as much as you can to master the language. Then there are the accents and regional quirks such as idioms and slang. I was fortunate to end up with a Corsican teacher who also liked Alizée, so I was able to actually incorporate Liley, and Corsican life into my studies.
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