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Old 09-12-2010, 02:38 PM
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Jake04 Jake04 is offline
"C'est de la bombe"
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
Charice is an incredible vocal talent. But she put in a lot of hours of practice and training, as well as many hours competing in singing contests. In Malcom Gladwell’s book, Outliers, he discusses some very interesting ideas about how people become so successful. He has something he calls the 10,000 hour rule which basically states that a person needs to put in around 10,000 hours of practice and/or experience at something in order to become an expert at it. Charice was probably well on her way to achieving that 10,000 hours by the time she was 15. I think this is the main lesson to learn from the Charice Case Study. Like you said, “be patient (It took them years to accomplish this)”. Yes, it did take years. Years filled with practice, experience and hard work.
I think Alizee has already met that. Let's just say she put in an average of 3 hours a day practicing (Which I think is a very conservative number though given her time off of three years, is just about right) multiply that by her number of years singing, let's just say 10 years for ease of computation; that would be 3 hrs. x 3650 days (days in 10 years) = 10,950 hours!

A quick search on Youtube reveals that Charice has now more videos than Alizee (I know, I know. Not all of those videos were actually of Charice. But, the same thing applies to Alizee). Even by refining your search to their full names shows the same result. That kind of give you an idea of how hard her dedicated fans have worked throughout these years.

On the side note: I just heard the birthday song that you made for Alizee last year. You have a great voice yourself! I thought you managed to invite "Eric Clapton" to sing that for you!

Originally Posted by BlackAnthem View Post
I'll be honest, I stopped reading at OPRAH. We would need someone famous (ex. Oprah, Ellen, etc.) to give her this recognition. So you get Ellen on that and well talk.
You're exactly the type of people I'm talking about who neither have the optimism, passion, faith and the drive to make things happen. Just keep watching on the sideline.

Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
This whole post is one huge really good point, but I think emphasis should be put on this right here. AAm's promotional efforts have been amazing and impressive, and you should all be commended for what you've done to spread her music and talent, but so far I've noticed that mostly her MF/LB-era music is used. Now I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth or jump to conclusions, but honestly I think the use of her older music is a bad idea. Yes, it's true that America is generally more likely to do a double-take of Lolita Lili than her current image, but right now Alizee is trying to introduce a different side of herself and if I were her, I'd be frustrated that everyone preferred the manufactured image over the one I (meaning she of course) had created.

It might not be easy to get America's attention with UEdS's dark, artistic thing going on, but I think Alizee would probably appreciate it if we promoted more of that.
Agree. I think her cover of La Isla Bonita would be the best since it's popular as well it was sung in English. Charice just did a lot of covers herself prior to her discovery. Mostly Whitney Houston songs.

Last edited by Jake04; 09-12-2010 at 07:01 PM..
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