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Old 04-04-2010, 08:57 AM
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ALS is on a distinguished road

Smart women. She realized that the music industry has moved on from brick and mortar stores to online and the Internet.

She is using the Internet to keep and build on her loyal fan base as being priority one. Alizée also realized that most of her new fans found her on the Internet over the last five years or so. If I remember the band Metallica was one of the first to jump big time on to the Internet to promote their music and stay in touch with their fans a few years ago.

I was thinking about what she was up to and came to the conclusion that she knows she will never make it big. So instead she is going for a steady income and constant work.

Pretty much like the people you see in the back ground in television shows and movies. They are never the top billing but they are constantly working and making a nice living even though they are not the stars of show or movie.

There are a lot of people in the music industry we don't know about that have gone down this road and been successful over the years. There are a whole lot of country music artists that work this angle. $100K-$200K a year selling Cd's and doing small concert venues. Thing is they have been doing this for 20 years and done well for themselves. One thing about country music is the fans are very loyal and not here today gone tomorrow when someone new comes along.

If they live well with in their means then they don't need the big money to finance a big life style.

Also one thing Alizée has going for her is she is down to earth and extremely nice. That in it's self goes a long way to keeping fans in your corner for the long term.

Last edited by ALS; 04-04-2010 at 09:09 AM..
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