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Old 04-13-2010, 07:10 PM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY View Post
You wanna know how my day was? My day blew! I had to sit and listen to my dad yell for an hour about 'just what the hell is wrong with that French b&*%#!' Why is Alizée such a problem? Just because she is French? Then he tells me he will cancel my cell service if he sees anything else on fb about her. Excuse her for not (primarily) singing in English! Dang, why do most Americans think like that? It is a little different to like a foreign artist, but they act like it is a crime. I can't say I'm not at all surprised. It is different, but they act as though liking her is hazardous to my health. Maybe she souldn't come to America, if this is the reaction she will recieve. They would prefer I be this way about lady gaga or miley cyrus, that would be fine. But I hate them. I do. Alizée is amazing and has earned my respect as a person. Not reverance, respect. I admit I am a bit obsessed, but I believe a healthy obsession is no different than a healthy love. But obsession borders very close to dangerous territory.
VVV, I wouldn't worry about that too much. My parents weren't as bad as that, but my friends were. See, my friends are very military oriented, not all of them are in the military, but some are and the rest have a big interest in them. And as for the military history of France... not all that glorious.

So when I first talked about Alizée, they you know, made the obscure reference that me liking Alizée made me somewhat of a pussy. That didn't bother me though, I mean, I put up with it, but after a bit, they all got more tolerant of her, though none of them actually like her.

People don't like what they don't understand. To them, Alizée was just a hot, but young looking, French singer. I couldn't care less about what they think of her anymore, she's my Goddess, and it's staying that way!

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