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Old 08-07-2010, 02:39 PM
Ronald Ronald is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 47
Posts: 86
Ronald is on a distinguished road

I've had french for 4 years at school, but that's almost 20 years ago, so I've forgotten most of it

Last year I decided to re-learn it, so I ordered myself a study called french for beginners. Now I'm finished with this and I actually can read some french, but it's very hard to make a conversation, because those french guys speak way too fast......

Spend my last vacation there (wanted to write holiday, but since that's british I won't use it here)
You have to know some french in order to communicate there, they all refuse to speak english or whatever kind of language.....

Anyway, if you want to learn a language you have to take lessons and not just learn it from the internet, that doesn't make any progress in my opinion.
I took a self-study thing, which is not that expensive as taking lessons with teachers (which will probably be a lot better, but that's up to you)

And visit a country where you can practise it, the local people love that, even when you're full of mistakes...

This must be one of my longest posts
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