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Old 10-15-2008, 02:26 PM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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pepelepew is on a distinguished road

I agree scruffy that the new versions of her old music is not even close to the originals, that what I have seen of her Psychedelics tour isn't up to par. Because of the video and acoustic quality I can't make a definitive decision about the over all quality of her concerts. I wasn't even impressed with Psychelelics at first, but it has grown on me and I like it very much today.

With all of that said, this is the first attempt for Alizee to make a comback after 4 yrs. out of the limelite. A tough hill to climb for any music artist especially someone famous In France, parts of Europe and Asia. The numbers just aren't there. Mexico is still her best hope.
A true artist as I think Alizee is and part of her character that I love she took a chance to leave a safe and successful music career that didn't obviously fit Alizee to pursue what is truly Alizee come what may.

A true artist is motivated by that fire in the belly to produce what moves their spirit and not necessarily will be popular to anyone else. The icing on the cake is to be successful monetarily to be able to continue to practice their art. I think that she made a calculated decision as real artists do to not let fame and success to be the endgame.

Alizee has given much joy to her fans and the fans have given their hard earned money in appreciation. Nobody owes anyone anything. To my knowledge Alizee has never broken promises to anyone or done or said anything that she has not come through on. The concert being cancelled was beyond her control.

I hope selfishly that Alizee continues to make music, but if not I support her on anything she chooses to do. I would much prefer her to do what is in her heart than be miserable as a pop star. Someone with character will not make that choice.

Last edited by pepelepew; 10-15-2008 at 02:40 PM..
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