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Old 01-04-2011, 06:32 PM
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Iwillmeether Iwillmeether is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Georgia
Age: 30
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Iwillmeether is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Srd93 View Post
I think it's our infatuation with not only her looks, but her music and her personality that attracts us. She's beautiful and there's nobody like her.

Even my friends can't see why I find her so gorgeous, beautiful, etc. And they all just think I'm obsessed XD. And I think it's just something that can't be expained or understood until you feel it yourself, which is why I've stopped talking about her to my friends because they just won't understand.

Word for word my life. Im about to give up on my friends, they keep making fun of me, and not really her, but they make alot of French generalizations, which I don't agree with them, I tried to tell them how wrong they were but... meh....
Je fais de mon mieux pour vous rencontrer et discuter avec vous. J'espère que vous ne me voyez pas comme une menace, car je suis incapable de faire du mal à qui que ce soit.
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