Thread: vrais amis ?
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Old 06-14-2009, 04:23 PM
edgar93 edgar93 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
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edgar93 is on a distinguished road

français | anglais | Spanish
conseiller | to advise (think consult) | aconsejar
consulter | to consult | consultar
facile | easy (not common, but sometimes facile is used in English similarly) | fácil
facilité | ease (or easiness, lack of difficulty, (look up and) think facility) | facilidad
faciliter | facilitate | facilitar
aise | ease (as it's used in various expressions) |
colère | anger (related to cholera. I guess if you have that, you might be kind of edgy anyway - don't know if that really helps) | coléra

They are similar, though none of them is the same in all 3 languages .
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