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Old 07-13-2015, 02:28 AM
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Antares Antares is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 83
Antares is on a distinguished road

This Google Trends analysis tells an interesting story.

Grégoire has been on DALS since February 2011, but barely managed to make so much as a blip on the radar until 2013 with the start of Season 4. His popularity spiked dramatically at this time, but note that a similarly rapid (but substantially larger) increase in searches for Alizée proceeded those of Grégoire. Since then, Grégoire and Alizée's search popularity have risen and fallen together, but the number of searches for Alizée has always exceeded those of Grégoire's.

So what can we take away from this data? DALS gave Alizée a transient boost of popularity, which then made Grégoire significantly popular for the first time in his career. The gains in popularity of searches for Alizée are generally disproportionately large compared to those of Grégoire, meaning the vast majority of people are interested in Alizée rather than her dance partner and the team they form together.

I can't say if the people attending these dance shows are more interested in Grégoire or Alizée. But I am fairly certain that they wouldn't be attending in the first place if it weren't for Alizée's involvement in DALS.
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