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Old 03-04-2019, 10:34 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Ah, more “Instagram” postings, cool.

Well, her “jewellery” posting, there is no doubt about it, she does suit it, and she’s “showcasing” it wonderfully, but, you know me, and my “new agey”self, I tend to prefer stuff that also has “healing” or “protective” qualities.

Hmm, now, were talking about items like a “Silver” and “Lapis Lazuli”, “combo”, “Hematite”, “Rose Quartz”, “Amethyst”, and maybe “Moonstone”, which have some really “cool” properties.

When done correctly, items containing these can be really “fashionable”, but also “functional”.

Jeez, been years since I’ve made any jewellery, come to think about it…

Gods, I really must be getting old…

Yeaaaahh, plenty of “Jon Snow” posts…

I see “shiny” puppy “shots”, and all “sense goes out the window”, so you will have to forgive me…

The “Bon week end” “Instagram” post, well, there is Jon Snow looking cute as usual, on the beach and y’know, I wish I was there, for it just looks so “idyllic”. That would just be so cool.

Actually, it kind of puts me in mind of the West coast of Scotland, on a good day, when its not “grey”, “wet”, “raining”, “misty”, and just downright “drab” and "miserable", which it is for about 7 months of the year, but, when the sun shines, it IS the most beautiful place on this Earth.

The Jon Snow “Vacances” “Instagram” post is just such a “sweet”, “cool” shot, its has “great scenery”, and it looks like Greg giving is Jon Snow a hug, and he’s loving it.

I see nothing but “love” and “affection” there, which is pretty damn “cool” in my book.

Got nothing but the utmost respect for Greg. Said it before, and can bet I will say it a thousand times more.

The Jon Snow “Gratouilles forever” post, well, ok, if I wasn’t nominally “Buddhist” I would surely be utterly “jealous” of Jon Snow getting his chest tickled/rubbed “forever”…

Oh dear, words like, “Heaven”, and, “Paradise” come to mind…

“Chest rubs” would be “fine”, y’know me, I’m easily satisfied…


Anyhow, he is just so “utterly cute”, so he is, and these eyes, just so beautiful…

I find myself reflexively reaching out for those beautiful fluffy ears…

And my “slicker” brush…

And wondering how much, if anything, left, I would have out of a gallon of “Cowboy Magic” if he was to get a bath, (because that stuff isn’t cheap, and I am, ‘cos I’m Scots ), and, how long would he take to blow dry…

And, do I need a “Samoyed”, or any other dog anyhow…

I mean, between the “Huskies”, and the “Corgis”, and the “Schnausers”…

Who am I trying to “kid”, he/it would fit right in…

Anyhow, he is just beautiful, like his owner…

Y’know, even if Alizee, wasn’t “Alizee”, I would still have nothing but “immense respect” and “utterly positive regard” for Alizee and Greg. They are “talented”, “professional” and “dedicated”, they work hard at their chosen vocations, “together”, (which, trust me, is a very hard thing for most “couples” to do), and, I see nothing but “love” and “positivity” there.

They look “good” together, they adore each other immensely, and it just feels “right”, if you know what I mean.

They are a pair of my most very favorite people, which you might have already guessed.

As I’ve said before, I wish them nothing but “health”, “wealth”, “happiness”, and ever increasing love.

Last edited by RedRafe; 03-04-2019 at 10:44 PM..
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