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Old 11-29-2006, 09:33 PM
Twitch Twitch is offline
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No Christmas songs, what about the more traditional Christmas hymns, the French in Québec until only about a decade or so ago were always heavily influenced by the church. At one time it was said you couldn't throw a brick in Montréal without breaking a church window (by Mark Twain, so it was a long time ago). But I am not saying I want Alizée singing hymns, I was just curious if it was only the commercialized Christmas music that the French don't bother with or all of it. I've been exposed to many French Christmas songs on the radio (good and terrible) here and was just curious why they didn't bother with them in France, or do they just keep playing the same selection of old ones over and over. Like these "Douce Nuit" (Silent Night), "Vive le vent" (Jingle Bells), "Mon beau sapin" (O Christmas Tree)...(the words are different, just the music is the same, and I linked the first one because it was readily available on a site I stumbled accross)

Last edited by Twitch; 11-29-2006 at 09:38 PM..
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