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Old 08-22-2021, 02:57 AM
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Elise Elise is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 98
Elise is on a distinguished road

Let's face it--- we're here on this forum because we're interested in female companionship.
No, we’re here on this forum because we’re interested in Alizée. I thought this was a forum about Alizée not some relationship site. Why is this in Alizée Discussion?

the Middle East has nothing to do with it.
This incel stuff wouldn’t fit in much of the Middle East either, let’s not generalise the region like that. In Iranian culture a man respects his wife as an equal.

I recommend Greg Adams.
I recommend not falling down this side of YouTube and being brainwashed into believing what these “coaches” have to say. Take life advice with a pinch of salt, consider where it comes from and think for yourself. Everything about women cannot be explained by whoever this “coach” is. Women are not some puzzle you can solve, they are humans. In the end these “coaches” have something to sell you. Men do not need to learn to be misogynistic woman-haters.

Noppo555, your English is great!