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Old 05-16-2011, 12:10 AM
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Azhiri Azhiri is offline
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As far as offending Alizee herself goes; I thought about it, and since I'm sure she herself knows the underlying nature of her songs and image, she wouldn't mind seeing it being discussed since, after all, it is what it is.

However, what WOULD probably offend her would be the sexual discussions of Alizee herself, but ironically we have quite a lot of "admiration" threads for certain parts of her body. While for the most part those are pretty tame, I never see anyone say, "Well, perhaps it's not good for younger members to see a woman discussed in this way" or "If Alizee herself saw this, it might make her feel uncomfortable" on those threads.

We don't have those floating around in the open anymore, but to be quite honest I thought those were FAR more tasteless than some of the less explicit sexual lyric discussions that people DID criticize. The "body-part-admiration" threads felt like they were turning her into an object; to discuss her sexual lyrics is just words about words that Alizee didn't even write.

While I understand and appreciate the need to keep this forum a friendly, clean place, I think there are far more horrible things a child can and will be exposed to on the internet than talking about sexuality in Alizee songs; if someone disagrees with that statement, then perhaps they shouldn't be on the internet!

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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