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Old 07-15-2012, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Alizee is a follower of trends. Ever since I've been looking into what she wears, it's been obvious. Now, I'm pretty sure that rolls over into other aspects of her life. She wants to be seen as trendy and current, and that's probably why she is getting all these tattoos. Tattoos aren't really taboo anymore, tons of people are getting them because it's the cool thing to do. I'm sure they do have some meaning for her, but most people that are REALLY into tattoos don't just go get random tattoos every week to symbolize how much they love Tweety bird or whatever.


If gurl needs tattoos to truly be happy, she got bigger problems going on.

Edit for wrong quote
Totally agree.

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
You can have a couple of tattoos because is the trend or you like how they look in your body. But I don't think she's following the trend now, I think is more like an habit for her right now.
I mean, today July 15, seventh month of the year. How many tattoos did she get during these seven months of 2012?
The bird, the Forever Young one, Sailor Moon, Minny Mouse, now her forearm...
And probably there will be more coming in the next few months.

Since all we can do is guessing about the reasons for this increase in the number of tattoos in a shorter space of time, here is my guess: I don't think she has a serious problem or going through a wild period.
If she took her daughter for a trip around the world and forgetting about the rest of the world or something like that, I would think then that she acting in a rebel way. But the tattoos are just another aspect of her life, maybe a little addiction to the ink that she has, or maybe something she can have her mind ocuppied with , because I am 100% sure that as soon as she leaves the Tin Tin shop with a new tattoo, she is already thinking about the next one.

The not so good thing about this aspect of her life is that is very evident and changes her image and looks, and as consecuence there are some fans who don't like tattoos, other fans that don't mind about them, and others that don't mind about tatoos but think that Alizée's in particular are not great choices because size, colour, placement...

Yes, I Know, I am captain obvious...
Totally agree.

I would just like to add for my part that I am not worried or concerned about Alizée because of this trend in getting tattoos. I also believe there is no deep, dark reason for it, nor do I think she is going through some drastic change. I think she is still the same Alizée and she just loves tattoos and is following the trend. Personally, I am not a fan of tattoos, and I don’t think Alizée’s tattoos in particular do anything for her appearance or image. To me, her choice of tattoos seems to present an image of someone who is still childlike inside. At her age, soon to release her 5th album, I guess I am expecting an artist that is more mature. I guess that does disappoint me somewhat. But I’ve said it many times before - it’s her choice and her body. She has the right to decide what she likes, and so do I. I just keep my dislike for her tattoos separate from how I feel about her music.

But I admit, I would hate to see her like this:

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