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Old 06-25-2014, 06:37 AM
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Ray4AJ is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by User22 View Post
Sorry to necromance, but does anyone have a translation of what she said in this video? I am REALLY eager to know as this is all her opinion with little question-answering. Thanks!
Back when it was broadcast, one of my henchmen was kind enough to provide me with this review. (You know who you are! Thanks again!)

The interview is set around 5 dates whom Alizée considers pivotal in her life. New year 2014- "lots of promise, plenty of projects, I'm very happy, it's been incredible for me. I'll be working on my new album, on tour with DALS, continue with my music and my new passion for dancing." 25 February 2000: "Seems like such a long time ago" She talks about how she went into Graines Star, and then was contacted by Mylene Farmer and Laurent Boutennat. She talks about how incredible that experience was for her, and being told by Boutennat about recording a video to a song they had written. 4 july 2000: She records Moi ... Lolita. leaving home for Paris and working with Boutennat, listening to what Mylene was telling her, recording the song that was written for her, wondering how can all this be possible, and touring, accompanied by her mom. Interestingly, they talk about the way she looked during all those videos of her singing ML- somewhat provocatively. She said that was part of the act and the costume for a young girl, no choice in matter, but it wasn't really her. 25 November 2007: "The Emancipation" from Farmer/ Boutennat. Separated from her producer to pursue her own style. When the interviewer pointed out how difficult it must have been to overcome the huge image of Lolita, Alizee responds by pointing out that it has been difficult because of the reluctance of the French public to accept something new- takes really alot, but by working hard with her new music and new band she will continue to tell her story (I think she means that she will continue to be true to herself in showing fans her music. When the intervier points out that her third album (Psychédélices ) wasn't as successful as the others, she responds by saying that she thinks the life of an artist, or a singer has its ups and downs; she hopes to stay up. 17 June 2008: Star in Mexico- "incredible, incredible" she says. Interviewer asks her, how can she explain the love her Mexican fans have for her? She says her Mexican fans think she's very sexy and like to call out her name, Alizée, then corrects herself with "Alithee, Alithee, Alithee" (Spanish pronunciation), that her music seems to connect with her fans even if it's in French. Then she kids around about parties and clubs and something about Mexican and French (she went way to fast for me here). 25 November 2013 DALS- Talks about how much the experience meant for her,and how she came out of her timid stage. She didn't particularly care for exposing her life in front of the public at such level and would have preferred to guard her privacy, her private life- but she made the decision to go forward because it would be good for her. Some talk about the "love story" between her and her dancing partner.
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