Thread: Annily
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Old 02-04-2019, 11:29 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
"Kids grow up so fast" has never been more true than Annily. Just in the short time she has been allowed on social media, she seems to be on fast forward. As she grows, I can see more and more of Alizee in her.

They are so so alike in so many ways, and, its amply illustrated in one of the the instagram posts that Alizée made on the 28th Jan, "My Princess".

What a sweet, sweet post. They obviously "adore" each other to "total utter bits", and its wonderful to see. They are enjoying being together, and they are having fun.

I see nothing but "love" there.

"Pure dead brilliant". Best mother and daughter shot ever.

As for "Kids grow up so fast", yeah, I think it is a "product" of the "age" that we live in, as in "factors" such as "better nutrition", better "medical care", and, "societal mores" and "impact", amongst many other things.

Children don't seem to be given time to be "children" any more, there is this almost pressure/rush in current modern society to become " adultized", and adopt adult behaviours way earlier than would be usual.

Now in Annily's case, she has got her ultimate role model, her mother, whom she utterly adores, to "style" herself on, and, "match" herself against, and I think she is currently exploring these ideas, as well as trying to find "herself".

It's kind of like "trying on her mothers shoes to see how they fit", and in the process find out who she herself is.

Now, to "old geezers" like me, it does seem to a little bit "previous", to the order of things that I would be used to, "back in the day". But that was "then", and then is not "now".

Maybe I'm just "old fashioned".

(Nopes, no maybes about it).

"Born in the wrong time..."

Now, if I can remember correctly, Alizée started her "move" towards a "showbiz" career when she was not much older than Annily, so, maybe in this case, the "Apple may not have fallen too far from the tree".

If she chooses a similar career path, then I can think of no better "mentors" than her parents, can you?

Originally Posted by eru777 View Post
Woah, Annily is growing up fast. Pretty like her mom.
Yeps, I do see a lot of her mother "in her", with regard to the "pretty" respect too. I reckon maybe Annily is going to be a lot taller, and, kind of "willowy", and similarly, pretty damn "stunning".

"Future" "visualization" time, a few years from now.
Imagine these two young ladies on stage, performing together.

Now there is something to look forward to.

I think my little "Pea Brain" just "popped" like a Rice Krispie.

The "growing up fast" thing, yeps, it can be "perplexing"

One day they are your little Snow White.
Then seemingly the "next day" they are "starting School".

Then you have the "fun" challenges to "look forward" to.

The day they bring home their first REAL "Boyfriend".

I've been on both sides of this "equation", and it is stressful for both parties.

Now, I haven't had any children of my own, so to speak, but between "step children", and others, I've "brought up" about 10 kids.

Talk about "fun"..

Anyhow, Heh... Imagine anybody having the "lack of insight", or just "plain stupidity", to mess Alizée's "Princess" about.

It'd be "Shark Attack" time, Alizée "style". Not something any sane person would want to be at "ground zero" of.

Don't know what a "Shark Attack" is??

Shark attack...

Just "cut and paste" Alizée into there. Believe me, that little lady has a lot of "Corsican Fire" to her...
She is VERY much an "Alpha".

Do not mess with her, or hers, for I reckon you would not enjoy the outcome. At all. Trust my "insights" on this one.

And then there is the day they leave for "University", or start their chosen "vocations".

Similarly stressful.

Anyhow, Annily is growing up really fast, so it seems, so, it's time to "break out" the "Riot Police", and put the "Paramedics" on "standby", for, it's going to be "St Valentines day" very soon, and I have a "hunch" that this "little lady" is going to be "breaking hearts": 'Left", "Right", "Centre", and "Worldwide"...

Now, unfortunately, "Snow White", I am totally "out of stock", with regard to "Princes", but, I have it on "good authority", that some day your Prince will come, he's on "back order".

(Oops, sorry, I couldn't resist that one... )

"Lead time" for Princes is about 3 or 4 years, so until then, "sit tight", and wait for the "right one", for he is out there, somewhere. Please, accept no "cute", but "cheap", imitations.

Y'know, I'd probably better never ever meet Alizée and Annily, for I get the funny feeling they would both want to "beat the snot" out of me after this one.

Last edited by RedRafe; 02-05-2019 at 09:04 PM..
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