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Old 04-29-2014, 12:15 AM
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Rev is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
I think what people are failing to realize is that she finally gave France a mainstream song to catch on to, and that is what is needed for her to gain back some popularity.....

When I watched the video the first time, I thought it started off a bit slow. However, as I continued to watch, the energy started to build. About 30 seconds from the end I realized I had crossed over. I really liked the video.

It builds. It lets the energy build until, by the time you are near the end, it is high energy.

This is a similar pattern to her TV performances of many of her songs in the early days.

I like her blue and white outfit. Her black and white outfit is OK - not bad but not great. However, it adequately fits the look she is trying to convey. She wanted a bouncy outfit and it qualifies.

Overall, I am VERY POSITIVE about her efforts so far. It's a good start. Let's see where she goes.


Ba-Ba-Ba Blonde... Ba-Ba-Ba Blonde...
--- pace e salute ---
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