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Old 05-03-2010, 10:05 AM
Merci Alizée
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Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY View Post
I get that too. My mom is the worst. She teases me, saying 'You are going to think she said your name in one of her songs, and you are going to fly to France to stalk her or something.' Little does she know, Alizée HAS said my name. VVV, ÁCC, PLP, NLY! And wasn't jessica's little brother naed Alex? My mom thinks it is creepy I could care so much about someone I have never met. Oh well. Here is more that pisses me of: D. M. Effing V! When my ipod plays an English or French version of JEAM/AMD/Youp/JPVA, then the other language right after! It does English Youpidoo followed by French Youpidou most common.
I get that at hostel only. My home is best place for me in that case. I can play all songs of Alizée at full volume(though I always keep volume normal ) and listen to it whole day. No one would say a single word against her. It would gets even much better when mom joins in the video-watching party . Sorry VVV.

Another thing that pisses me off when people hear that I got her albums and they ask me whether I'm in normal mental condition or not. Ah
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