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Old 06-20-2015, 04:15 PM
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Antares Antares is offline
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Antares is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
After the failure of that last album only selling 5 or 6 thousand copies, I think she will have a serious problem getting financing for another album.
While lackluster album sales certainly don't help her chances, I definitely don't think it will preclude Alizée from releasing another album. The thing is, record labels don't really care how well individual artists or albums sell, they just need to turn a profit on average. It's a lot like movies: It's impossible to predict what is going to be a success and what will be a failure, so they throw a lot of stuff at the wall and see what sticks. Tons of high-budget movies are colossal box office failures and cost their respective companies millions of dollars in losses, but they don't really care because it's an unescapable part of the business and another project will have more than made up for it in profit. The same thing happens with music, and labels are willing to take this risk because there's only a finite amount of money you can lose on an album (production cost), but a near infinite amount of money to be potentially earned. And as far as risks go, Alizée is not a huge risk at all. She has sold millions of records in the past, and there is the chance that she might be able to do it again. Even if that chance is only 1 in 20, it's going to be a better bet than an unproven artist with a chance of 1 in 1000. I think the only thing that can stop Alizée from releasing another record would be herself.
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