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Old 10-26-2010, 12:39 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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wasabi622 is on a distinguished road

You know Azhiri, you are something.

I don't want to sound like an old man or anything, but I really hope that high school goes well for you. I mean, you're so bright and compassionate, and I'd hate to see that taken from you. There are a lot of kids in high school who will see that as a sign of weakness and try to take advantage of you or just try to prove you wrong for the sake of it.

I actually met my best friend this way. He had just moved in from Kentucky, so he didn't have any friends, he was very skinny and kind of awkward I guess. But we both had orchestra together and lunch right after. After orchestra, I would go and sit with my buddies that I've known throughout middle school, while my future best friend would sit alone at the middle of the table. One day though, after orchestra, I invited him to sit with us, but he was very shy, and refused. This repeated many times until one day, after I got to know him a bit, I just went up to him as he sat there alone, took his lunch and made him sit with me. Kind of a dick move? Maybe.

But either way, we ended up becoming very close friends. After that episode, we had lunch together everyday and at the end of the quarters, hang out, we would walk home together rather than take the bus, we practice our music together, and even went out to competitions playing duets and stuff together. Which I think he did out of loyalty more than anything, for he was a LOT better than me. Throughout high school we helped each other out with the hardships that comes with high school: girls(he was shocking successful in this department.. whereas I wasn't. ), social awkwardness, high school drama, pressure to "fit in", and of course the massive stress of getting accepted to college. But of course, we've had our battles as well. I mean, I'm very hardcore conservative, whereas he's more liberal, but that doesn't faze us. Even now, he's still my best friend. I go to the University of Illinois, while he goes to Luther in Iowa. He's currently in England right now, but we still stay in touch. I LOVE THAT GUY <3

So I think this is a great idea Azhiri!

Who knows, that shy and awkward guy may just end up being your best friend. It worked for me, so maybe it'll work for you.

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