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Old 08-29-2010, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by AlizéeInspired View Post
Hmm... I'm short and wouldn't mind being tall but I don't really mind being my height. I'm not 5'1" though. I'm definitely not fat either. If the choice was permanent, then I'd have to go with being 6'3", extremely good looking but small genitals. I just wouldn't be able to stand being fat. If I were able to work out and lose all the fat then the other choice would be a little more appealing to me. But no, I'm going with no fat. No health problems


Would you rather be like Wolverine (having all his powers of healing and slow aging)
be like Hancock (having all of his powers: superhuman strength, invulnerability, flight at supersonic speeds, regeneration of wounds, and immortality.)

The catch here is that in being Hancock, you aren't able to love because (if you've seen the movie, you know why) the only true person for you also has these supernatural abilities. If the two of you come together and try to live a normal life together in love, then you become mortal again and there will always be someone out to kill the two of you. Where being Wolverine, you are able to find love and keep your abilities but will have to live your life on while you watch each of your loved ones die.

What...the....hell? You are just...unbelievably dumb. First, you missed the point of that other post. He also mentioned that you'd have a MICRO penis. So you basically wouldn't even really be able to use it. Second, even if you're fat, there are a million ways to lose fat. HGH, Thyroid hormones, cardiovascular stuff, diet, etc.

And the Wolverine or Hancock thing is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What would be the advantage of NOT choosing the Wolverine thing? The powers you'd gain would clearly not be worth the sacrifice. And you didn't offer anything negative for teh Wolverine choice, making it the OBVIOUS pick. Do you see why your idea is so flawed???
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