Thread: Why Alizée?
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Old 08-11-2008, 01:47 AM
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Another point i'd have to bring out. I've listened to a lot of other French music acts since Alizée, and I can say I am really much unattracted to any of them.

So something has to be special about this little Corsican queen. She, can entrance, I, one of the most pickiest of ears, I feel bewitched, a slight uneasiness as I tread onto her realm as I have been so enveloped by the shadows of my musical genre, the shadows I so take comfort in, the dreaded distortion of an amplified guitar, the infernal speed of a booming drum, and the ever powerful growl from the voice of one that anyone can label as a demon or a god.

Simple, she has a trait that others do not. She has an oscillating aura, whether it be divine or not. It entrances us, it brings us in, and it traps us, she is a siren of the rocks, who lures us in, with a captivating sound. If she was one of those sirens in which Odysseus had sailed past, then our poor Ithican hero would not have made it back to his wife, not soon, not ever, Alizée is just like that.

Magic? Perhaps, or is it some sort of chemistry in which we find from her, a diamond in the rough, whilst we search our worlds with young females calling their friends "whore" and "bitch", and the ever-supposed media attentive role-models spewed from networks of corrupted merchandise and profit, we find a special light, similar to the beauty we all seek, and this is incarnated as our lovely Alizée, in which she is gifted with more than just the talent of voice and face.

Her eclectic spell, which calls us to bear arms, to lighten our lives, brighten our souls, and such, is very much puzzling. She, may command legions with the point of a finger, she is the Creator's gift to one and torment for the rest. Though she is any human, much like any of us, it is something, that we find in her imperfections, in which we build a sacred temple, to house the undeniable quality that she shows. Her...light...and whatnot, brings a smile to many, ask why not the rest? One can be as similar to Alizée as faith allows it, voice, looks, and whatever, but it is our love for this vixen that allows us to see, that Alizée really is, one of the most precious human beings alive.

She is not perfect, she's just a girl, anyone can say this to themselves, but the more they do, the more they may be driven into the frayed ends of sanity, just know that Alizée is a gift, she is no ordinary being, anyone who takes a first glimpse at her may think so, but there is no escaping the hunter, when you're already hooked.

Alizée, is all that brings a certain few of us live better...or at all...
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."
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