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Old 05-02-2015, 02:37 AM
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Shepherd is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Antares View Post

But imagine if Alizée wasn't Alizée. What if somebody else had the same voice and made the same music... would I feel the same way about them? I don't think so. Alizée works as a whole package of talent, beauty, and personality.

I am a fan of a wide variety of music, and there's a lot of groups and artists who I count among my favorites, but I still find it amazing that none of them have ever affected me the way that Alizée has. There are singers who are exceptionally beautiful, singers who are incredibly talented, singers who are good-hearted people, and even singers that possess all of these qualities at once. Alizée is certainly one of them, but I can think of a number of others who fit that description as well. So if Alizée is not necessarily unique in this regard, what makes my experience with her so much different from every other artist whose music I love?

I never understood the hysteria that young girls express for pop stars, such as Justin Bieber, and never heard of a man falling in love with a pop star that he had no contact with. It seemed foolish to fall for someone you could never have a relationship with.

I’ve been a fan of many artists throughout my life, but have never become enamored of any of them before Alizee. For instance, Selena Gomez is stunningly beautiful, but I don’t have an insatiable interest in her private life and really don’t care who she is as a person. I enjoy Selena’s music, but only three of her recordings. Alizee is an exception to all of these attitudes. With Alizee, I love almost everything she does, and whenever I hear her sing it gives my day a lift.

I’ve criticized Alizee’s dancing on danse avec les stars, but I enjoy watching her perform when she sings, and her interaction with the audience. I’m impressed that not only men are attracted to her, but also women and small children. I love the way she says “merci” at the end of each performance. Not too long ago Scruffydog posted a video of Alizee dancing impromptu in a recording studio. I too love that scene and bemoan that we see her dance for only a few seconds. I value that Alizee hasn’t gone full-slut as so many other young women in the business have. She remains a very decent person in a rough-hewn world.

Thanks to Alizee, I’ve taken an interest in other French pop stars at a time I’ve lost interest in most American contemporary music. For that, I owe her a great debt. To be frank, I don’t know why I adore Alizee. I don’t think she is the most beautiful woman or the greatest talent, but she is the most Alizee. As others have already commented, I cherish her for who she is—whatever that means.

Last edited by Shepherd; 05-03-2015 at 07:25 PM..
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