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Old 07-02-2006, 05:34 AM
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Thumbs up

I, also, don't think that Alizee is dressed up in the above pic. And yes, I've seen many pix of her wearing her grunge-type style. Maybe I'm the only one but I liked the influence that Mylene Farmer had on Alizee, especially the clothing that she used to wear; very stylish. But now that her husband (no doubt) was a major influence upon her dumping Mylene and Laurent by probably telling her, "Do whatever YOU want to do" and not what her fans want her to do, her future is in doubt.

Don't get me wrong, I hope Alizee succeeds with her next album but as you already know, Mylene and Laurent wrote very beautiful music for Alizee to sing, dressed her very nicely, taught her how to do that sexy hip-sway, and taught her how to become a very successful sexy popstar. If she now tries to become just another grunge rock star, good luck to her. Alizee was born to be a classy, sexy popstar, 10 cuts above the rest and not another slobbingly dressed grunge howler. But apparently she is just too young and inexperienced to know it yet.

I've heard a few of (her husband) Jeremy's songs and I personally think they suck. I just hope and prey that she didn't throw away Mylene's phone number because I want the old Alizee back, the one I fell in love with. But she is a big Madonna fan and may be applying lessons learned from the master about not letting the public get bored of you by constantly changing your image... just like Madonna does.

- Cybersoil

Last edited by cybersoil; 07-02-2006 at 05:43 AM..
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