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Old 04-14-2014, 02:11 PM
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Panther Panther is offline
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Panther is on a distinguished road

I'm afraid I think I might be losing the faith. It saddens me to say it but I agree with Big Dan about that outfit. That picture of her on stage has to be THE worst photograph of Alizee I have ever seen. It probably doesn't help that I'm not a fan of the blonde hair either. I've tried, honestly I have. I didn't like it at first so I've given it time but the more I see it the less I like it. I just don't think it suits her at all. The single itself is ok but I think Scruffy is right about the lack of a video to help it along. It strikes me that Sony are doing everything arse about face, and making the same mistakes that they did with '5'.

Apart from all of that I just don't understand where this whole 'blonde' thing came from? What inspired that? If anyone involved with Alizee, including her, was interested in commercial success then why not simply cash in on the whole DALS thing and bring out a song and a video centered on dancing? Why completely change the image of the person who has just won over a lot of the French public and then release a totally unrelated song? I just don't get it at all form a marketing perspective.
"Lolita has gone, Alizee has arrived!"
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