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Old 10-20-2006, 01:47 AM
maareek maareek is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Age: 38
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maareek is on a distinguished road

As an adult you've become so accustomed to doing things in such a way it becomes unusual and difficult to understand why it would be done differently. For an adult to learn a new language (an entirely different way to communicate) it's pretty natural to have to fight the udge to question why. It's just about whether or not you want to learn it bad enough to get past that stage, since once you accept it for what it is things get much, much easier.

And children rarely have this problem as they haven't had the same level of ingraining of set patterns put into them yet so they're more susceptible to different ways of doing things. When I have children I'm going to follow my French teachers child rearing advice and teach them every language I know (which at the moment is one with bits and pieces of like 3 others, though I hope to expand that to 4 eventually) from the earliest possible moment. If they decide not to pursue it further later on they'll have a basis to make a judgment on and if they decide to pursue it, they'll already have a foundation.

Last edited by maareek; 10-20-2006 at 01:49 AM..
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