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Old 11-19-2019, 03:48 PM
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Shepherd is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
In my walks around Ajaccio, I saw several dance studios and I had wondered when she talked of opening up one how a place not that large could support so many schools. But when I visited the dance studio, I saw she's in an area with numerous high rise apartments around it so it seems she's in a good location, student availability wise.

Before Greg and Alizee opened their studio but were talking about it, I did a search on Google Maps for dance studios in Ajaccio and was astounded to find a dozen or so. I didn't believe Ajaccio was big enough to support that many, and thought G&A would be foolish to open another. Well, as we see they have been very successful. Since Scruffy raised the issue again today, I did another search and found the number of studios significantly reduced. I wonder if Gregg and Alizee drove the others out of business. Even so, I counted 8 studios still remaining today. I'm amazed that Ajaccio can support that many. The city has a population of 66,245. Dance students would make up a small percentage of those under the age of 20, I don't know how to calculate that number.

I live in San Antonio, Texas where the population is 1.5 million with 19 dance studios.

That breaks down to 1 studio for every 8,280 people in Ajaccio,
and 1 studio for every 79,000 people in San Antonio.

Evidently, there's a dramatic cultural difference. San Antonio is in the Bible Belt and there seems to be a church on every two or three blocks. Storefront churches that service congregations smaller than a couple hundred people are popular. San Antonio is also host to several of the largest televangelist ministries in America. The Baptists believe it's a sin to dance and they make up the majority of churches in San Antonio. Perhaps that explains the discrepancy between the two cities.
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