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Old 04-12-2009, 02:27 AM
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Ruroshen Ruroshen is offline
Hello, Lilly Town people
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 1,297
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Cool, guys! Look forward to seeing you all there!

One other thing: this video's a lot shorter than the previous ones we've covered, only about 25 minutes long. Does anybody have any suggestions for a topic we might want to discuss afterward?

Here's a few potential ideas to get the ball rolling, from the non-commentary topic ideas thread:

Originally Posted by Ruroshen View Post
The Impossible Dream: Bringing Alizée to America—achievable goal, or fantastic pipe dream? There’s been sporadic, some might say heroic, efforts made here and there to further the cause…but are we just tilting at windmills in the name of Dulcinea? What will it take? Are we up to the challenge? And what lessons can we take from the Mexican miracle, and from Yelle’s C’est Amerique tour?

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: The many hairstyles of Alizée, as discussed and debated by a handful of ostensibly heterosexual males. This has the potential to be a double episode.

Parlez-vous francais?: How important is an understanding of French, both the language and the culture, to an appreciation of Lili and her music? A few of us take it upon ourselves to learn the language and painstakingly translate lyrics and interviews, but most of us are content to just hum along. Are we missing out?

Parlez-vous anglais?: Are we pro- or anti- Lili singing in English? Appreciated, or does it ruin the mystique? The English versions of the MCE songs are widely derided as being inferior, but I kinda dig Amelie. Would it help if they more accurately reflected the source material? How do we feel about her doing English covers like Hung Up or Sound of Silence?

Metalizée: If you drew a Venn diagram of Heavy Metal fans and Alizée fans, you might be surprised at how big the overlap was. (I know I constantly am.) So seriously dudes, what gives? Are the rest of us who aren’t Metal fans missing something?

eBée: Some fans have spent a small-to-medium-sized fortune on their Alizée collections. Me, I’m content with just four CDs and a DVD. What drives fans to have everything? At what point does it become too much? What’s the most expensive, most amazing, or most ridiculous Lili item you’ve seen for sale?

VousTube: The art of the fanvid. Despite having a relatively limited amount of source material available to work from, some very creative tribute videos have been created over the years. We discuss our favorites, and talk about what sets them apart. (Ideally, I’d like to have somebody who’s actually created a fanvid on this one, so we can discuss their process from beginning to end.)

Alizée vs. Alizée: Stealing blatantly from the Alizée Nation blog, I see this as a recurring segment. We take different performances (music video, TV performance, concert) of the same song and face them off against each other, debating which is the best. For a little bit of added interactivity, we post a poll after the episode and get the community to vote on which they like best.

(Album) Thunderdome!: Ten songs enter, only one song leaves. We pit the songs from an album against each other in a round-robin tournament, voting on which we prefer, until one emerges as the sole survivor! A silly idea, to be sure, but one that’s bound to generate some fun and heated debate among the participants.
It doesn't absolutely have to be one of these, though. If anyone has another idea they're really passionate about, let's hear it!

Last edited by Ruroshen; 04-12-2009 at 02:30 AM..
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